covid blog final

Don’t Let COVID-19 Get You Down

How has COVID-19 affected you? We are all living in a different world right now. Things are changing daily, and we are trying to adjust accordingly. Yes, life may be more challenging right now, but how can we grow in this time of change? One thing that has not changed is the season; spring is here and flourishing. We have gotten to enjoy the fresh blooms of various colors and warmer weather. Spring is a time of growth and development. We all have to grow and develop in new ways during this time.

Here at Coley Company, we have gathered three concepts that we believe to be important to keep in mind during this tough time we are all living in.

1.       A Positive Attitude

It is crucial that we move forward with a positive attitude. If you look for the negative things in life, you will find them, and likewise, if you look for the positive things in life, you will find those as well. During this time of crisis, let’s all take time to look for the positive things in life.

2.       Supporting those around you

We all need to support one another. Support may look different than it has in the past due to COVID-19. You can still pick up the phone and call a loved one, friend, or colleague and provide support. When practicing social distancing, we lose interaction with others. A phone call or text to someone you care about can make a big difference in their day. It is essential to make sure to take the time to stay connected with those around you even though we cannot all be together in person.

3.       Taking time to take care of you

What are you doing to ensure your mental and physical well-being right now? Make time for yourself. If you find comfort in meditation or prayer, make that part of your daily routine. Read that book you have wanted to read! Take a walk with your dog or by yourself. If you aren’t able to get outside, there is a wide variety of home workouts that are available to you with no equipment needed to get you moving. We all must make time for ourselves as a part of staying happy and healthy.

This time that we are living in is undoubtedly challenging. It is something new and unknown, which creates worry and uncertainty for us. This is a time to grow and develop. At Coley Company, we encourage you to take a few minutes and think about how we can all find positivity in our everyday lives.

With Support and Warm Thoughts,

-Doug, Nancy, Ross, Denise, and Landis

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